Bonjour~ it’s Emma here.
Welcome again to this little space of mine where I share my inspiration and creative journey with you. Occasionally, I might throw in snippets of my rather mundane everyday life stories.
Okay, I don’t speak the language, but I love all things French, and that was how the idea of “Fleurabbit” came about, a combination of both things I love, “Flowers” and “Rabbits”!
After five years of running Fleurabbit Studio, I have decided to move away from my secret garden of flowers and rabbits to “Luna by Emma” - the Moon.
This makeover marks a brand new chapter of my journey as a full-time artist and illustrator. With this new beginning, I am ready to explore new practices in ways that I haven’t, and I can’t wait to see what the future brings.
WHY luna?
The Moon has always been a distant and mysterious celestial companion to our planet, a famous poetic symbol for as long as poetry, literature, and art. What fascinates me the most is our connection with the Moon.
As humans, our desire to prove our existence is seen by wanting to make a meaningful mark in life, and even going so far as to conquer something that is naturally beyond our reach.
The first Moon landing taken by Apollo astronauts Neil Armstrong and Buzz Aldrin was one of the most significant achievements in human history. The ambitious, bold move altered the course of technological initiatives and manifestly changed the world for the better.
As an artist, my desire to pursue fine art and beauty is unceasing and constant. However, it takes hard work and a lifetime of determination to fulfil this dream.
Being both an artist and a mother, I wish to inspire my child to chase after his dreams and to keep reaching for it. And even at times, it may seem uncomfortable.
To quote the famous and heroic speech of President John F. Kennedy In 1962 -
“We choose to go to the moon in this decade and do the other things, not because they are easy, but because they are hard, because that goal will serve to organise and measure the best of our energies and skills, because that challenge is one that we are willing to accept, one we are unwilling to postpone, and one which we intend to win.”
Beginning this next chapter of my creative journey, I would like to believe that, together with Luna, we will do just that.