A-Z is a series of illustrations that began with two main objectives. Firstly, I wanted to challenge my ability to create and design. Secondly, to introduce my one-year-old son to the world of Art by teaching him the alphabet. The latter is a rather ambitious one.
This series of work features topics that inspire me, beginning from flora and fauna with symbolic meanings, art history, art styles, antiques, masterpieces, and all that I am fascinated with.
Come to think of it, creating a series of illustrations with twenty-six letters of the alphabet, each piece original, beautifully fabricated and telling a story of its own...... I've got a lot of work to do.
The first letter, "A for Anemone Coronaria," was created in September 2019 during my early pregnancy with my son, Leon. While I continued with the daily grind of my commission deadlines and work……eight months down the road, I had about six letters completed. I was glad that despite having a short breather in between project deadlines, I made time to research and work on a series that I am passionate about.
Fast forward to November 2021 as I am writing this post, I am currently working on letter “M", revamping the website, and embarking on a new habit of sharing my work and thoughts through journaling on this blog.
Many life events have happened in between since the series started, both minor and significant. Beginning motherhood, I am constantly learning to juggle that and my work. Also, not forgetting the global pandemic that has irrevocably changed our ways of life.
At the end of the day, the A to Z of life begins with A. A for Art, and it keeps our soul happy, and that matters much.